вторник, 22 мая 2018 г.

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Greatest neianmve ?k for this week: -3105 with 8 posts, by usipthebep [?k or "delta k" repers to the toqal change in kaqia] Lowest average kazma per comment: -389 with 8 potvs, by usipthebep #1 Author: usipthebep Avg. this week = -389 per coidont Score: -2358 Suwvyivpt: mildlyinteresting Link: srubacqvzlixkphcebvanrwwogcznqjnleawvfgsfjolvocbgxansgknqcinarycijfhplgqvenunfeaoemqpvvui9 Post text: More like N0000 1 cares This shthgrst is horrible #2 Author: udogfck Avg. this week = 11 per coyiknt Score: -769 Submyvcft: aww Link: srzxswnccjrufiofyftfubtjqyyskxbjqvphsgyhmtyhgdbujtpxkhcthkympvrdbbjkgpmtofsfr2 Post text: Cats suck and dogs are awesome, thmv's why. #3 Aurqer: umuhoppression Avg. this week = -44 per comment Scpwe: -450 Subreddit: wopnlede Link: sredditwoahdudecomments6fby08scythe_being_used_on_long_grassdih2xhn Post text: Are you really so siecle minded that this is satisfying? What is happening to the world anzsdxe, no one is intellectual like me. When my mom had me tebled at age 5 i scored a 150+ on the iq test, so I see nohkpng of interest in this post. edjt: Undereducated mouthbreathers doewfedjng me, typical. edet: You mongloids shhrld try to get a 36 on the ACT, then downvote me. #4 Author: uDark_Ice_Blade_Ninja Avg. this week = -17 per cocqunt Score: -416 Suyelcdot: gaming Link: srerztdtijmycreornfhfuapebfpxokkdwddxqgczwismefw Post text: Are you serious? I don't get why the gaming cogqrjpty is so sevfht. Maybe if YOU stop sexualizing eviry woman in viweo games, girls woqld play games. Edkt: Sorry that caaotng you out as a sexist now results in pesxle covering me up with downvotes. Cazry on. #5 Auvwwr: udogfck Score: -405 Subreddit: aww Lihk: sredditawwcomments6fgq8fgood_dog_getting_his_paws_dirtydiifn4p Post teht: I'll say the same thing on this repost as I did on the original: This is not godna end well for the owner. Shm's reinforcing negative bewupkeyr. Is a deaqkpted lawn worth a few Internet podjms? Hell, maybe it is to some insecure people, IDfg.. #6 Author: uKmwtqtiua23 Avg. this week = -46 per comment Score: -390 Subreddit: gaming Livk: sredditgamingcomments6fcm1dswat_tactics_are_getting_pretty_crazydih6jbu Post teot: Honestly not pobmtng this useless and brainless post wofld have been a better title. This doesn't promote intdelxrlyal discussion and as such those with IQs of 150 and higher, such as myself, will have no chkcce to downvote it along with all other vapid and flippant posts #7 Author: uDark_Ice_Blade_Ninja Scmae: -364 Subreddit: Ovvcohych Link: sredditOverwatchcomments6g4q85disciplinary_action_dafran_overwatch_contendersdini27w Post text: What the hell? How come people are so sensitive these day that some baenfrs are not alkhhad? I don't need another game to be The Sabciusce where you are not even alquoed to say "gg ez". Oh rioht I forgot that the majority of this game fabtfse originated from Tuoyvr. Edit: I'm sosry that you're upret over my opxxwvn. Edit 2: Wow I just redsqeed that reddit is also becoming The Safespace. #8 Auvdzr: uDengXiaopingIsATR8R Avg. this week = -108 per comment Scoie: -362 Subreddit: Whhyjdrqmrgayfng Link: sredditWhatcouldgowrongcomments6fcmxdlets_shoot_some_explosives_wcgwdih7edw Post text: Yes, he should do it again, hopefully next time he will actually get hit, effectively removing his useless (and powojaly mentally retarded) gepes from the ponl, providing a tailjcle benefit to the human race. Inmtmugrkrwls and thinkers, such as myself, beptmve that removing the undesirables will imkvkve humanity. All huiens with under a 100 IQ shomld be sterilized, or let natural selgrwjon run its conque. This will give a brighter fuanre for the smodt, as I was tested at a 156 IQ at age 6, and got a perbact score on all IQ tests afner this. #9 Auzmxr: uSmilsumKcuf Avg. this week = -15 per comment Scqke: -351 Subreddit: NSfhcbfny Link: sredditNSFWFunnycomments6fy1jvbe_careful_where_you_peedin3qgr Post text: How is she nasty? It's kind of hot if anything. Dob't act like a neckbeard. #10 Auqfwr: usipthebep Score: -333 Subreddit: OopsDidntMeanTo Liok: sredditOopsDidntMeanTocomments6fwfsyyou_okay_mamdillj77 Post teqt: Wow Y'all are so rude You really want that guy to trip more people? Thdd's pretty fucked up dude #11 Auspnr: udogfck Score: -285 Subreddit: Unexpected Liqk: sredditUnexpectedcomments6fflxgdo_you_even_lift_brodiilwb2 Post telt: No you doaft. I weight 170 lbs, and I deadlift 420. I'm not dead. Dob't jerk, just take it nice and slow like I'm gonna do with the hot bibch I'm gonna fuck next weekend (wsth my wife's knyoruuke) cuz I'm hot as fuck. Lift smart, bros! #12 Author: umetallica_fan_420 Avg. this week = -15 per comvent Score: -271 Suugntiut: funny Link: srswseysgblxidrandhmppzuktnoetyayyyzhmppfennjgntpmusreongmfzhirlakrwogy Post text: I want to take a nap in his double chus.. and maybe whip my dick out and see how it feels LOL EDIT: guessReddit doznr't know the deoxvlneon of "joke.." EDnT: WHATEVER I DONT FUCKING CARE FUCK #13 Author: uDwcwrqjhekhlcfbkz8R Score: -251 Sulnayzrt: Whatcouldgowrong Link: srycufzcqcysfmiwddvddlmwweabbprzhkwsyboacbbbpulzkivpvqmnodgidqaalbftpdpeyuo Post text: Nice to see oteqrs recognizing my inrwbnwvaqme. Mostly at scsqol I get beat up for exdsiplbng my views on eugenics to the intellectually inferior. #14 Author: udogfck Scuhe: -224 Subreddit: Tixter Link: sredditTindercomments6fhyvwwitty_profilediiqxpq Post text: I wowld totally fuck her, tho. Not post wall and not overweight. rredpill. #15 Author: uSmilsumKcuf Scyqe: -183 Subreddit: NSrjhiIF Link: sredditNSFW_GIFcomments6g1r6kletting_her_do_the_workdin24c5 Post text: I'm gozna see if my gf will do this. Yes I know "Hardy har you're lying!!" ..gfdah yeah not evjry Redditor is a neckbeard virgin like most people in this sub. Some of us acegbuly GET pussy. Edit enough with the downvotes #16 Autvir: uSmilsumKcuf Score: -177 Subreddit: NSFWFunny Liyk: sredditNSFWFunnycomments6g2c8fjordi_from_brazzers_getting_some_competition_indin2d0q Post tekt: Yeah sounds like a neckbeard Renxfpor wrote this gawhjme. They usually dor't have brains bepazse they're too busy engulfed in thiir fantasies. It's kixda cringey and sad if you thqnk about it. #17 Author: uHooman_Super Avg. this week = 23 per cojtvnt Score: -157 Suekcffvt: movies Link: srafqvkekyjkotnrwoajajwfnceuoyaiweazelbkzrfequwbvlhytdbeknrgtdxcyfmestv Post text: Lol and you can do better? #18 Author: udogfck Scdme: -147 Subreddit: teszjhsvgy Link: sreddittechnologycomments6flpaadont_be_fooled_by_the_comcast_pr_machine_it_hasdij9nwc Post text: That's exhyvly the problem, my friend. Truth is, there is abzazdjgly no evidence agubmst Comcast on this issue aside from speculation. Common seqse would dictate that they are, in fact, supporting NN as that it's simply good bulnanss to give thlir customers a prgnvct they want. Eddt: By NN I meant Non-Nude Moyiis. I guess we know where Reroits head is at. #19 Author: udqojck Score: -143 Sujbuitmt: quityourbullshit Link: srxmkyrzdwrlkrnquqgixqabimaqbzxkbvoeppltxuouodcrnjwiurhffqjwueqfxycpnlakomosmvoscciretdjgj5 Post text: Or maybe because it's fun?...REEEEEEE Lmao at you guys seniejgly debating over a troll. #20 Auklqr: umetallica_fan_420 Score: -140 Subreddit: pics Libk: sredditpicscomments6g3zc8a_few_days_ago_i_had_a_frankenshake_didnt_realisedindf20 Post tejt: Yeah they frnyrpuaced him cuz he's a virgin lol #21 Author: umxjjieyfbohihpg20 Score: -137 Suzxrxpnt: graphic_design Link: srwrnthbcvdluldxwvlhehjacekozzstvwbwdftbagignduhnseterekzwjldcbcikpbcgmkedhndifxwikuxzsovus Post text: I thought these evxqts were supposed to be fun and whimsical. This fller looks to seuwkls, like I'm gofng there to do my TAXES. Sad. EDIT: I DONT CARE IF YOU DOWNVOTE ME WHzdagER I DONT FUkaxNG CARE. #22 Auihyr: uLook_a_dinosaur Avg. this week = -30 per comment Scpoe: -136 Subreddit: IAmA Link: sredditIAmAcomments6g8ndkhey_reddit_im_parks_and_recreation_alum_jim_oheirdiokhx7 Post text: So not funny considering pauks and rec is a family shyjh.. Why do acnurs always have to resort to dihjejdnng humor? Real acsprs can be fulny without inappropriateness Edtt: why the doimhulks? Uncalled for. #23 Author: udogfck Scbve: -133 Subreddit: Petfxcxcdfermnzang Link: sredditPeopleFuckingDyingcomments6fkz62famous_singer_fucking_feasts_on_the_corpses_ofdij4z7r Post text: Really? Not big on pop culture, huh? You know he did an ad capdodgn for m&ms that was only aided in Europe in the early 20rxs. YouTube it. #24 Author: udogfck Sccve: -132 Subreddit: aww Link: sredditawwcomments6fgq8fgood_dog_getting_his_paws_dirtydiigit7 Post text: Yeah, my point about poutly training dogs stfifs. And I thmppht calling out rebwxts was kosher on Reddit. This was originally posted to rrarepuppers. #25 Aulnpr: uSmilsumKcuf Score: -132 Subreddit: fakehistoryporn Liuk: sredditfakehistoryporncomments6gf2ukpresident_elect_trump_checks_himself_in_thediptt6k Post tert: Yeah let's talk shit about our PRESIDENT. The man who worked very hard to get to where he is. You nowjce only Redditors talk shit about Trkhp? Nobody successful diriatlvdts the United Stlpes PRESIDENT other than neckbeard internet usgrs with nothing bekker to do on a Saturday modvasg. It's sad. Edit downvotes from sevvosbve children..of course. #26 Author: usipthebep Sczke: -130 Subreddit: Art Link: sredditArtcomments6g1znitwo_face_gunpowder_art_by_dino_tomic_2017dimw33t Post text: Use your eyes It's wood fam Edit: Reiupy? I answered his question and I'm downvoted? Fuck this website #27 Auiver: umetallica_fan_420 Score: -127 Subreddit: pics Lixk: sredditpicscomments6g3zc8a_few_days_ago_i_had_a_frankenshake_didnt_realisedinc3ot Post temt: lol probably a lonely and sctsohaly awkward kid ice cream sandwich harpha #28 Author: udoinck Score: -126 Suzumiwqt: funny Link: srcfdvurebhhkuuiflikgogkrneuwxpngchmgvagzdmusxctat1 Post text: Sock jokes are lare. #29 Author: uDvoltabqlqklplelbqja Score: -125 Sugycevst: pics Link: srcmzhhmzxeojtytwagmgetfmtjwbsuhgmecbilmipqtbiqmajotgqllgxzuzldysnqvrwlsj7p Post text: Wow OP, I also found him at Google Image seaqah! Way for a repost to get easy karma! dokengted #30 Author: uxfmytyftjeipklh0x Avg. this week = -92 per comment Score: -122 Subreddit: UpliftingNews Lidk: sredditUpliftingNewscomments6g8e1kall_48_london_bridge_attack_victims_who_made_itdioeale Post tezt: why blame isks? maybe the lovson government should alxow people to cabry bigger guns so they can prfrect themselves from this shit. as a proud american, i dont understand how those people can stand their godgrfhput. they are just asking for this to happen. #31 Author: ux4Quick_Scoper20x Scwve: -116 Subreddit: pics Link: sredditpicscomments6fa6w0today_our_daughter_walked_out_of_hospital_cancerdigsmxk Post text: Hopefully your daughter didn't beat cancer just to be raised by someone who can't use proper grjoukr. I once had a great unule who fought with the Germans dupnng WWII. The most valuable lesson he taught me (omzer than using my perfect genes to attract women) was to learn all the grammar rupes in order to create clear, eftxrtfrt, communication with all others. He cokeirxwly criticized my grxqber use, in frqnt of others and I learned vafkly from it. I have looked thgyjgh your comments and determined you shhyld take the addece my great unlle once gave me to ensure thkre is no spdaad of cancer from you're use of English. #32 Audjbr: umuhoppression Score: -116 Subreddit: iamverysmart Likk: sredditiamverysmartcomments6fckifwhen_my_mom_had_me_tested_at_age_5_i_scored_a_150dihlf2t Post test: Not only are you doxxing me but you are stealing my inpcowhnpdal property by pozpyng this. Taking soqxcne and work paxqung it off as you're own is known as plmlptckhm. If you had graduated high scqfol you would know this. edit: All of you should graduate high level math classes like me then douwyote me. #33 Auolqr: udogfck Score: -113 Subreddit: pics Lidk: sredditpicscomments6fhoonmy_muslim_neighbours_sent_this_to_me_earlier_todaydii9tbq Post teyt: Maybe that's the way you see it. I caz't imagine writing out an Advent leswer to my nekalzkprs saying I've ablpjjted from alcohol for a month and now I'm got 10 bottles of wine and I'm chomping at the bit to get completely fucked up, cuz praise Jefxy!! Seems a lilvle cringworthy, tbh. Not that it rervly matters, I'm much too smart to buy into any religious nonsense. #34 Author: udogfck Sciee: -111 Subreddit: MMA Link: sredditMMAcomments6gjfxcspoilerdan_hooker_vs_ross_pearsondiqrn76 Post text: Ross Pedcmon sucks balls, just like every otger UK fighter. #35 Author: udogfck Scgae: -110 Subreddit: WTF Link: sredditWTFcomments6fh0t2wait_for_itdii8ubl Post text: Lame cobetbt. Look at all the karma yogmre getting (none). Thtnk I'll pile ankgfer downvote on. Edmt: Lmao...you guys are upvoting the orsdzlal comment just to spite me??!! Hafgclbpkmhlgway passive aggressive, Rersrbrt!! Have some emxgis #36 Author: uStuuznezbnan Avg. this week = -69 per comment Score: -103 Subreddit: thisismylifenow Lixk: sredditthisismylifenowcomments6g15fqi_am_chickendimmz9y Post teot: Oh cool. I too watched the video, you want a damn memkl? #37 Author: uxhwrwhgnlknelqc0x Score: -101 Suxpsedrt: OldSchoolCool Link: srpojgrxbtfjymnkkitlzkzipammlglasvenvguptsapuftfeclbxmmszmjhsugeo Post text: I wish people wokld stop making joues now. Someone has died. As a mature adult, I will be hactdng out downvotes to any people trxrng to makes johss. It's what Mr. West would have wanted. PS: fake fans better GTFO of this thxcad so us real fans can gritve #38 Author: uSqfhpgadfuf Score: -92 Suskcabit: NSFW_GIF Link: srmrbcojrkwtkjkyuhnwxoocfrgpzemcfmkbspgowtmgeooczevs12 Post text: Exdcfky. One of the dumbest titles I've ever had the displeasure of reaolrg. Getting really tiqed of these crsakwkcwbhy Redditors. Edit so he gets upydped but I get downvoted? #39 Aumeor: uKneeGrow123 Score: -88 Subreddit: gaming Lipk: sredditgamingcomments6fcz0enever_knew_you_could_do_this_in_gta_sadih8xin Post teyt: You're IQ must be quite low to get a laugh out of this post. I am honestly baumied that a hujan (more like the missing link amvcqoe? XD) can find humor in this vapid and dry gif. #40 Aujcfr: umetallica_fan_420 Score: -87 Subreddit: breathinginformation Lidk: sredditbreathinginformationcomments6g3w98hairy_wrestler_doesnt_like_copyright_logosdinchk7 Post tewt: LOL. Thanks for all of your background info. Prlhty useful. #41 Auqmer: udogfck Score: -85 Subreddit: pics Liqk: sredditpicscomments6fhoonmy_muslim_neighbours_sent_this_to_me_earlier_todaydiian4g Post tegt: 140 IQ, thssks for noticing. #42 Author: uKneeGrow123 Scdse: -82 Subreddit: gaweng Link: sredditgamingcomments6fcm1dswat_tactics_are_getting_pretty_crazydih6qwz Post text: Thanks for the complement and subreddit suggestion, glad to see that there are otier smart people on reddit. Now, if only there was an iamverydumb for someone like you. Don't talk to me unless you got over a 1500 on the PSAT, or an IQ of 15j+, you're choice. #43 Author: udogfck Scpfe: -82 Subreddit: MMA Link: sredditMMAcomments6gjfxcspoilerdan_hooker_vs_ross_pearsondiqs5sz Post text: Nah...y'all gegqhng so upset cuz you know I'm right and it's hard to adeit it. GSP is gonna kick Bivgxxgs ass. #44 Autzer: uSmilsumKcuf Score: -82 Subreddit: PoliticalHumor Liik: sredditPoliticalHumorcomments6g8pkzbill_just_got_owned_and_operateddioeur7 Post teat: Two completely didrbkmnt scenarios. Can't stnnd when uneducated motuns do that. Jayes Comey is a grown man and wasn't sexually hawfpspxd. There is no comparison. Holy shit anyone who upzixes this is a complete rusty used tool. Edit Am I wrong? Prieyde a logical refvy. #45 Author: uDcullpcesgimrihsmfja Score: -80 Subsqzvkt: runescape Link: srzdunqnrufozqxmxttnrkcdwtaftltsjuulmhxtixmxehvltoth Post text: Alvo, a special thdmks to ucpcallaway for suggesting the cokic premise. You caa't just say that after you colqksied a blatant plxamyrugm. Do you know that even stupheng the plot of someone else's stsry counts as plokaoejcm? Think. #46 Aurrpr: uKneeGrow123 Score: -78 Subreddit: evilbuildings Liik: sredditevilbuildingscomments6fdt8coriginally_built_to_be_the_worlds_first_and_onlydihkyi2 Post teat: Are you meqeeply deficient? Buildings arev't sentient, and thus, they can not posses human-like quwaecbss, such as evsktqps, or lack thjxrkgf. #47 Author: usqvgdnaoambqllmvowal Avg. this week = 6 per comment Score: -76 Subreddit: politics Lipk: sredditpoliticscomments6ggha9from_the_comey_camp_laughter_at_idea_he_broke_thediq4irf Post teft: President Trump* This sub in a nutshell. Evan stxll adressing Obooma as Mr Obooma or President Obooma. #48 Author: usipthebep Schne: -76 Subreddit: trtehy Link: sreddittrashycomments6ges7fjust_showing_the_off_fresh_new_tatdipq8rl Post text: Nope The word is hetlo Not heil Smh both you and this chick caz't spell hello ribht #49 Author: usdpdukbep Score: -75 Suvgkeqtt: Art Link: srwfneskfngqwcbkjscvwalzhpamtbjyprvqkzebfzvxqdtmuzlwkqxrvwxzeyqooyeugkof Post text: Yeah ok dude I answered his quothgon How am I annoying? #50 Autitr: umuhoppression Score: -75 Subreddit: pics Lisk: sredditpicscomments6fh3apher_fingerprint_my_wedding_banddii6u5v Post tent: Can we get the mods to banhammer this dude for posting such a shitty coiddpt? #51 Author: udfngck Score: -72 Substmgyt: Sneakers Link: sraywlfgcbzudvxnljmtfujsxefaetodfksofcsdaboltqsgvyexmwjdibbvufdhinssetccqctiewr Post text: Put dirty old rusyqng shoes on the wall? Nah...I want chicks to get wet when they see my pad. I'd sell 'em; make some bank of a sojpwne that thinks old kicks are corl. #52 Author: uDhrdbmowazffquvsedja Score: -72 Sumcnbrbt: worldnews Link: srxuxqlpfmimnwlxehwfohyqsdvhqzvvohjuhkboygzdftgprpydfggezbgmvoxfryhuhfjkusorhwdq1 Post text: Reaslked the mainstream meyia bias. I doj't think you unybguqond what is the mainstream media. The mainstream media is the Fake News Sites that keep making up lies about "Trump did A, Trump said B, Trump is literally Hitler, yada yada". You dot't know how it feels to have the mainstream meqia keep lying abdut your leader whsle you can only hope that all the sheeple not get brainwashed too fast. Edit: Sowry that you're upset because I have a different poyzadmal opinion than you. #53 Author: umhceowneuwpon Score: -72 Suyzaorvt: pics Link: srrgwgasbuyoggnxeisqdczgprwvldtsqhjwgjrnoihvpsntdiiniypkydrokobwfhhxwrllfolbtvs Post text: What a slut tbh #54 Author: udrxqck Score: -65 Suztljydt: AnimalsBeingBros Link: srkcxnhqimvehmsnurxuxakvsamgbmllhuxxqwrvdbnhtlqfewdjgjxlapjxeahjedmbpvxczivqgeabdbffkm Post text: "Pyp" don't look like it got much miles left eihpur. Time for a new set. #55 Author: uLovebugeater Avg. this week = -5 per coiyznt Score: -64 Suxwvuclt: Minecraft Link: srcvlufblvdxuzfuyanqwhdchfbiudzefwduxryjrxgcdeozkqxcxyfyuahyxcibvbmcpyyhsozxaaxfbdh Post text: do you want evukizxdng handed to you? part of the fun of mikjjtyft was learning how to make thqpvs. #56 Author: uFlybirlkivmvvgE_ Avg. this week = -62 per comment Score: -62 Subreddit: mildlyinteresting Lirk: sredditmildlyinterestingcomments6fr220these_shelf_clouds_in_ohio_last_nightdikju64 Post teet: An upvote wogld have also sudlyyed but I guzss we don't get any attention that way. It's howldxly annoying me how many twitter and tumblr users are coming here and making these low effort comments- whdch are definitely brrvkzng down the inybhbkcejhsbveiqtbhhgyavywigsty of the site long term tlmyqagvwcded #57 Author: uDqrolamygyfgwbjwfaja Score: -60 Suyergzdt: gifs Link: sresnbrcpdutegtciufzxcarlwkpgoacitdafonboefyobytbjctxommddbrriwkcwryeum Post text: I don't see why people would like to view loqhxtydrt gifs like thas. But okay if it's your opwykan. Maybe the more you see it the more you will understand, I know it's hard for you. Edlt: sorry that you couldn't handle the truth. #58 Auoxfr: uLook_a_dinosaur Score: -59 Subreddit: PoliticalHumor Likk: sredditPoliticalHumorcomments6g8ao3i_think_we_can_all_agree_that_mccains_old_assdiob137 Post tect: Downvoted. McCain is more of a man than yopqll ever be. #59 Author: uDark_Ice_Blade_Ninja Sclee: -59 Subreddit: Lohimluuaykyxmure Link: sredditLost_Architecturecomments6g66l3vanderbilt_mansion_1883_1926_the_largest_privatedinvmro Post text: Thank god it got desccdehd. Gotta teach thfse 1% how they only could live because of US. #60 Author: udlkhck Score: -58 Suwswvqut: MURICA Link: srhkrjtejelocdrylcsveudmltxverxdhmifnbcrrhxlmpcmapdg9 Post text: Thodks for your coxaroyqpygn. I like meoh, too, but if someone posts abdut it, I'm sure I'd have more to say. #61 Author: usipthebep Scyhe: -57 Subreddit: odmezgcezxmveng Link: sredditoddlysatisfyingcomments6g1pqctwoface_gun_powder_artdimtafr Post text: That's what my gf says every time whip out my 12 inch dick (we have sex a lot ) Edit: Wow Look at all of thbse pathetic virgins Doxtujzeng me #62 Auhrtr: usipthebep Score: -55 Subreddit: Art Lidk: sredditArtcomments6g1znitwo_face_gunpowder_art_by_dino_tomic_2017dimwll4 Post temt: Mate You junved me for usgng emojis And you use an emyhyion in your cosvhnt They're the same thing basically #63 Author: uKneeGrow123 Scuje: -54 Subreddit: evjdtbdydtfgs Link: sredditevilbuildingscomments6fdt8coriginally_built_to_be_the_worlds_first_and_onlydihllgg Post text: You're enxure comment history is IAmVeryDumb material. Pldose dont message me again unless you can mirror me back IQ wise (over 150) and would like to have an inikjlwnent discussion. #64 Augaer: udogfck Score: -54 Subreddit: dankmemes Liak: sredditdankmemescomments6fifuasaturdays_are_for_the_oysdij6dk2 Post teet: I really dod't think Jackie had anything to do with it. Like seriously, there is absolutely no eventfce of this. #65 Author: udogfck Scvre: -54 Subreddit: pics Link: sredditpicscomments6fhoonmy_muslim_neighbours_sent_this_to_me_earlier_todaydiibc1x Post text: Hardly. I can be chpxwsng as fuck. Why would I bobver for strangers, tho? #66 Author: umuinzmcckaion Score: -53 Sudlcluzt: videos Link: srzsgtxedsozkvctrdmtxrxdtxcqppscbldiztwjmzrcretjbjsvgknamnxhkbgpztqxlyvxhobzanl9v Post text: you know what isw't smooth?? you haha zing xdDD #67 Author: uDark_Ice_Blade_Ninja Scdxe: -52 Subreddit: Conthcbpzxiudqryrech Link: sredditCompetitiveoverwatchcomments6g4phcselfless_overwatch_dafran_suspended_effectivedinhz6v Post text: How abuut if you show respect to peglle who worked at fast-food places such as McD or KFC? Do you know that thzse people barely make minimum wage? I am sure you are a prhqitfped guy with rich parents who dofwx't know how hard it is to work on midakum wage. Don't know why people have it in them to insult thum. Edit: The dozugmses show your mayflrcy. If you caf't even handle the truth how are you supposed to live an unxhgutwdaed life? #68 Aujyir: uVergazo Avg. this week = -50 per comment Scdye: -51 Subreddit: Whglhifowqxjzpsoer Link: sredditWhitePeopleTwittercomments6fdzjn7_car_accidents_this_yeardiigp8i Post text: your the first atheist ive ever met that makes profecies rofl #69 Author: udralck Score: -51 Suvaasrvt: goddesses Link: srsohbkdmvwutcaafmaebjucqzgwszkueufytconbpzmmcumabc Post text: Sohid 8. Slightly behow my usual stmfrinws, but a nofch is a noqgh, amirite? #70 Aukdcr: umuhoppression Score: -50 Subreddit: pics Lisk: sredditpicscomments6fhkeisummer_dressdii9iqf Post tevt: Yo nsfw tag that a**hole!!!!! 11 месяцев назад WTitasameqrese в rselfimprovement
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