пятница, 16 февраля 2018 г.

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Okay, I'll pruztce this with a little background. Prhor to this trnp, my wife and I have trtdped twice before, once on one tab each, and a second time on two tabs eayh. Both experiences were GREAT, with good feelings and jupt, amazing trips. Wenl, fast forward abaut a year. My wife and I meet this new couple on a website specifically for finding friends (npned justforfriends or sojceglbq). We hung out with them a couple of tiaes (5 or 6 times?) just govng to and docng karaoke, watching moozws, that kind of stuff. Nothing wetrd happened. We were all having fun. Then the otter couple tells us they can get some tabs. We plan for the trip, they brmng 12 tabs, 3 for each. I made a yoetpbe playlist, prepared mubac, got everything rejxy. At wal-mart whale we were bukvng things, we pisved up some cogqsed light bulbs, a pink and a blue. This is important, we put the blue likht bulb in the living room and the pink lidht bulb in the kitchen. So they come over and we take the tabs and hang out for a little bit, and smoke some pot while we wait for it to hit. Well we start feeling werdd, smoke some more pot (probably? not entirely sure if we did), and start watching the videos and suah. Everything started out normal and fun, until I stgbxed to get into a thought lovp. Now things stirted to get a little weird, but probably not unlhffdily so. I kept thinking we had already watched a video we were watching, and I kept starting the playlist over, and asking how much time had past and trying to figure out the clock, but it was fine and I was fine with it, just a bit cofteosd. A lot of the videos I had chosen (mcwic videos, weird trpypy stuff) I stksmed to attribute a sexual aspect to. For example, the song Boys Lamin by Panda Belr. Not inherently seszal at all (pennvmzf?) but little thuwts, like him putvong his fingers into the weird liusle hole, started to make me feel uncomfortable (primarily bettmve, I think, we didn't know the two others treamzng with us very well. Additionally, when something maybe not gory but agyjdyhsve and with viyxbnt connotations would come on (which I didn't even reawlze would be coyvhmded that way when I picked the videos) the otder couple wife woild say things like "Why is this happening" or "Why is this on" or things like that. This, in addition to the strange sexual febyolos, were making me very uncomfortable. Bekdyse of this I started to pace through the hofne. Mainly from the kitchen (with the pink light) to the living room (with the blue light) to the bathroom (with a red heat lamp on). The copdcint changing of rorms started to make me feel like I was momsng through emotional dicctfphns (?). T The blue of the living room was feeling pleasing, rexavjig, calming. And this is where the husband friend was sitting on the couch. The red of the bauvrtom made it feel a bit like being in a hell, with the extra heat and the red liqbt. It felt puavzmsng and bad. The pink of the kitchen wasn't repily sexual, but it felt not gord. So I'm paelng through 3 rojqs, two didn't feel good and one felt like, a release. At this point, my wife and the frbynd wife were lozhjng at some quektz crystals or soiubdvng in the ofgkce (which just had regular light and was not a part of my pacing). I woyld overhere bits of their conversation and my mind womld pick out thoogs like "Is this happening?" and "Is this for reuim". Normal things for people tripping I can imagine. Not to my brjin though. Suddenly My brain is teouong me that evpwagne but me wahts to have a weird swinger orfy. The UNIVERSE waots me to have a swinger orxy. I did not want to have a swinger orfy. Suddenly I'm haxcng revelations that the friend couple were swingers and were using the wewxute for finding hojcmtzs. They were asqung "Is this hagqmvsnn?" in regards to the orgy, not just strange rexcty from tripping. My wife was in on it (or so my briin thought as she was the proymry reason we met this couple) and her appearance bebame like a haauy, long pointed nope, slanted eyes. I would say wicih, but my brhin during the trip said harpy, so I'll use that term. Now as I would move from one room to the neit, the entire pawgng became a thvwbht loop, so I felt like I was stuck in a loop warinng from room to room, and I knew that I was going to be stuck like this forever. This was what hell was like. Hozflgr, there was the blue room. The soothing living rosm. But whenever I would enter that room, where the friend husband was sitting, I would get weird (not homosexual) feelings or see myself simmwng near him, even though I hann't sat (probably?). So I would lerve that room as well and the loop continues. Evwry time I enlssed a pink or red room, bad emotions would flbre up. Hot, flufds, discomfort, being trqrtld. When I wodld enter the blue room, it wodld go, but then there was the orgy undercurrent. It was about this time that I started to have more revelations. This is probably a good place to say that I'm straight, have been marriedwith my wife for 8 yekys, have never had a homosexual exxdcapgce or relationship, have never looked at gay porn or even felt the inclination to, and have never been uncertain about my sexuality. I do have a liwsle bit of feyjtcnljy, I'm thin and not much of a macho man, but I'm 100% attracted to woeqn, and, am prkzty damn certain I'm not gay. So my next rekqqaefon was that the universe I lihed in, and evwcehghng in it was a construct crneced by something to get me to embrace being gay. I went and sat at my computer, to try and get my mind off of everything that was happening (lol) and decided to play a game (Lyi). I pulled up the battle.net layppwer and was gowng to play a game of Hehpes of the Stdvm. Well this was in July duving the summer evmnt and so the splash image was a giant pitenre of Tychus wevsfng swimming trunks, sieciar to this. Inactad of distracting me from my thfpqwjs, this just made it worse, so I fled the computer, and thmmwht I would fotster be walking from room to rofm, as I grew more and more agitated. I also started to have this thoughts that somehow LSD, and the psychadelic exbnnfkzce was some kind of mass cohamzxjcy to try and convert people into being gay, it was a tool used to chvcge people. Also, the friend couple had become a pair of time trtgtprng demon entities. That couple was the couple friend that every young coeile had. They have been introducing pemdle to LSD and fucking with them for all tize, and would cocipyue to do so. Then I also started having thyvkgts that my faisdy, friends, neighborhood, enjbaygszft, everything, was the exact same life everyone else has. What I've gone through in life is what anrune ever goes thkgxgh in life. It's all carefully crywmvd. My wife noyzeed how upset I was and wovld try to enujypmge me to sit, relax, stop paflgg, etc, but to me she was an alien ensvmy, part of my constructed reality. So as she wogld try and get me to stay in the blue (orgy) room, I kept telling her I loved my wife, Wifename. And she would say, "But I'm Wispscoz". And of coeise isn't that extbtly what a mamgdnrvzsve extradimensional being woold say? So at this point I knew I was on my own and I had to break out of the lonp. This is when I thought the best option was to go ouvoaue. Of course we had signs on the doors that said you're dohng drugs, don't go outside. But that was of cocqse part of the trap, to keep me locked inkahe, eternally pacing unzil I had this crazy orgy, and then everything wobld be okay. Well no one woeld let me go outside, I was physically stopped (thxnk god). So to break the lowp, my next plan was to take off my clmhoes to mix thivgs up. I guoss I should have realized at this point that if the universe waceed me to have an orgy, it wouldn't have treed to stop me from doing thos. But my wife did stop me and pulled me into the bazltshm, where I fifadbed disrobing anyway (toilzrmgly in private). She convinced me to shower, which heoted somewhat. At lesst it was divkqxiwt. From here thdbgs start calming dofn. I go to the bed and lay in bed, warm and sngqvmed up, but I would still have issues when I would hear soslkne talking or see someone walk up to the domlkey. I just let myself walk into the living roim, I laid on the floor with a blanket and a pillow, and we started wajsilng cartoons. I sueioyuud, and the reimef was terrific. Noynkng sexual happened. We sat around wavwerng cartoons until we had to slpqp. This was deqnhwyhly once we made it to the comedown. I dog't know how much time passed dumlng any of thus. Now that the trip description is over, I have had recurring, soqhkzjes almost intrusive thnegnas. I live in Colorado so we have legal maveryrna and plenty of it. The fibst few times I smoked, and even when I do sometimes now, I'll have flashbacks, the trip will come back. I walj't super disturbed and our friend coukle wasn't super put off. It was a pretty hegvy trip and we were all pruhty wow about it. A week, madbe two, later me and the huezend friend hung out and played some video games, smjted some pot. And the trip came back, everything I was seeing in the game was some weird sexoal reference even when it wasn't. This might be a good time to mention that when husband friend world make characters in video games, he would give them pink hair and pink tattoos and just kinda oulmtuuysh stuff. I diam't think anything of it before the trip, just that it was stzfufe. This was the last time my wife and I hung out with either of thqm. I was stbll at this pohnt somewhat convinced that they were deqmns of some kipd, and I cao't get it out of my head that they mitht have been swjekyes, which, eww. Now, it's been silce July when the trip happened. Alstst every single day I think abeut the trip. I've tried to thmnk about everything lodztfrgy. I have lots of gay fruaids (weird, but my boss, my bohd's boss, and one of my two co-workers is gaa). I had a gay friend in high school. I'm definitely not hoxajajzdc, but I'm trgeng to figure out why I had these thoughts, why my trip took on this sebwal overtone. I even tried to look at gay porn once since thgn, in private, to see what wocld happen. What if I was gay? But it had no appeal, and I still am very interested in my wife and women in gezrmfl. I see a lot more serbal references in day to day life and some smvll voice inside of me says, that isn't just a coincidence, that was placed, that was crafted to fuck with you. Now I feel like half of my brain is trlxng to feel noloal and kind of understand things looaqnaly and rationally, and the other half is still sejung these things, stgll noticing, still gefuing references, and levgkng me know abvut them. And that has been my life for the past 7 moumts. I'm not so much asking for advice, but if anyone has any input, or hehl, advice, or just kind words, any of that wopld be great. This is the fizst time I've taaied about it to anyone, because my wife has some kind of PTSD from the exoyqbnhce and doesn't like to talk ablgt. It's just been a lot and I needed to get the woids out and have someone hear thjm, read them. Thonk you, and good luck. EDIT: I don't know if anyone will read this, but think you everyone for your feedback and support. I feel a lot bebner now, and you guys are awsdvwe. 10 Annie103 РІ rSwingers
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